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Volunteering at the University will give you the opportunity to take part in a wide range of events, conferences, trainings and events in the University and its partners. Here you will not only contribute to the implementation of the event, but you will also make contacts useful for your future prospects and gain useful experience from a wide range of professionals.

Get activity badge


Volunteering 2024/2025 Get this badge

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Mykolas Romeris University hereby certifies with this digital badge that its owner has participated in volunteering activities.
Volunteering at Mykolas Romeris University provides an excellent opportunity to take part in various events, conferences, trainings, and community activities organized by the university and its partners.
By participating in volunteer activities, a student has developed the following competencies and skills:
Organizational skills: activity planning, time management, work organization, and taking responsibility.
Problem-solving skills: finding and generating quick and appropriate solutions in various situations.
Networking: building new connections and expanding the professional network.
Social responsibility: proactivity, initiative, and civic engagement.
Personal growth: self-awareness and self-confidence.

This badge could be initiated by the student but should be confirmed by an activity manager or coordinator. This badge also offers the possibility for the individual to provide additional evidence of participation or share their insights from the events.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Take part in various university events and activities as a volunteer and get Volunteering Badge!
Describe these activities in which you participated or are participating, share your discoveries and insights and be sure to add a short description of what character qualities, skills, knowledge or competences you developed and/or strengthened and /or obtained thanks to these activities!
We look forward to your letter to with the note "Volunteering".

The issuing of the badge can also be initiated by the activity manager.
Non-formal education
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Mykolas Romeris University
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact
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