Training for Trainers on Facilitating Learning

Goal and Effect

This badge shows the knowledge of the method “Goal and Effect” as a way to support other people in setting up their learning goals.

The task for earning this badge was trying out the method and sharing personal reflection on the experience in facilitating one-to-one process in setting one’s own goal.

Activity content and badge issuing criteria are aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for trainers to work internationally.

Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Try out the method and share your reflection on the experience of supporting another person in defining their goal, resources, possible effect and a trigger.
How did it feel to facilitate one-to-one process and what were your insights about this process?

Prisijunk ir pradėk užduotį


Training for Trainers on Facilitating Learning
Goal and Effect - Setting Up Learning Goals
Badgecraft palaiko šią platformą ir plėtoja ją kartu su pagrindinėmis švietimo organizacijomis. Europos Sąjungos programa Erasmus+ dalinai finansavo pirmosios platformos versijos sukūrimą. Susisiekite su mumis
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