





Entrepreneurial people
Entrepreneurial people are very important for the society, business, formal education, municipality and many other fields in Drobeta Turnu Severin. Why? Because entrepreneurial people show initiative, have the necessary courage, make decisions, and show responsibility.
Entrepreneurial types see opportunities and don't like to keep things the way they used to be when that doesn't work.
  • They draw their own plan and act accordingly.
  • Are well informed about relevant developments in the environment and use this knowledge effectively.
  • Has an eye for the effects of (own) decision-making.
  • Wants to continuously get the best out of him/herself and their projects and initiatives.
  • Can gain acceptance or agreement from others for his own point of view through argumentation, personal ascendancy and tact.
  • Identifies and investigates the wishes and needs of others and acts accordingly
  • Views situations from different angles and thinks outside the box.
  • Knows how to combine things, and makes connections
  • Consults others/experts and knows how to involve them through networking

Definition of entrepreneurship: ‘the ability to turn ideas into action that generate value for someone other than oneself.’* Therefore we have developed 3 learning playlists: ‘Ideas and opportunities’, ‘Resources’ and ‘Into Action’. These are the 3 areas where you show the ability to transform ideas and opportunities into action by mobilising resources. These resources can be personal (namely, self-awareness and self-efficacy, motivation and persever-ance), material (for instance, production means and financial resources) or non-material (for instance, specific knowledge, skills and attitudes).*

Entrecomp (The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework) defines entrepreneurship as a transversal competence, which applies to all spheres of life: from nurturing personal development, to actively participating in society, to (re)entering the job market as an employee or as a self-employed person, and also to starting up ventures (cultural, social or commercial). This competence model is used to define the Open Badges that you can earn during this learning playlist.

Why should you do this playlist
To understand how you can recognise and strengthen entrepreneurial traits and skills in yourself. And to be aware about how to take advantage of them.

Within this playlist you will work on the ability to identify and develop ideas and opportunities. 
Activity 1, Spotting Opportunities: You will practice how to use your imagination and abilities to identify opportunities for creating value. 
Activity 2, Creativity: Develop creative and purposeful ideas. 
Activity 3, Vision: Work towards your vision of the future. 
Activity 4, Valuing ideas: Make the most of ideas and opportunities. 
Activity 5, Thinking Ethically and sustainably: Assess the consequences and impact of ideas, opportunities and actions.

To know if this playlist is for you, you can complete the self-assessment to see which skills can be learned inside the different activities.

For each completed activity you can earn a micro-credential badge. When all steps are fulfilled you will earn the Playlist Ideas and Opportunities Badge.

Good luck and have fun!

There are two other playlist where you can learn and show how to be entrepreneurial: 

* Entrecomp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework, JCR Science for policy report, 2016, page 10

Мероприятия для завершения

Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated
3 часа
View full activity


Have you ever experienced that you were talking to people and that they responded with “that’s a great idea!”. And when you heard this, have you done something with your idea? Do you know what made you start to develop the idea into reality? Or do you know what made you NOT start? How to make the most out of ideas and opportunities?

When you are "valuing Ideas', you make the most of the ideas and opportunities in social, cultural and economic terms you encounter or are offered to you. You are also able to recognize the potential an idea has for creating value and identify suitable ways of making the most out of it.
As a person with entrepreneurial skills you will see where the opportunities lie and seize them with full conviction. A person who is valuing ideas can:
  • show how different groups, such as firms and institutions, create value in their community and surroundings.
  • explain that ideas can be shared and circulated for the benefit of everyone or can be protected by certain rights, for example, copyrights or patents.

Creating value
There are several ways to create value in your community. We can distinguish 3 types of values;
Economic value

Social value

Cultural value

By understanding how value is created, you are able to show how and what value different groups, such as firms and institutions, create value in their community and surroundings. The Value Proposition Canvas is a great tool to understand how to create value for your target group and their practical, social and emotional needs. Via creation of a value proposition canvas you can show which benefits your target group can have from your ideas when you realise them and define how your target group would use your ideas. How can it solve their problems or satisfy them and help them to get their mission fulfilled.
A great resource is from Ingrid Burgett Knode, within this resource they ask the following questions:
  • What value do you provide your customers? Why would they keep coming back?
  • What is the relationship between your commercial value proposition and your impact value proposition?
  • how visible or prominent is your impact value proposition? Who values and would pay for your impact value proposition? Who understands it?
  • how do you account for / measure your value proposition (both commercial and impact)?

Protected by rights
Intellectual property

Organisations and individuals and their intellectual properties are protected by law to prevent others from using their ideas, designs, inventions or developments without permission. Identify the unlawful use of your rightful property by arranging property rights. You can see it as your intellectual property: property that is a creation of the mind, such as a symbol, an invention or even a name.

There are four types of intellectual property rights and protections: 
  • Copyright
  • Patents
  • Trademarks
  • Trade secrets
More information can be found at the website of Your Europe.

Copyright, Public domain, Sampling and Fair use
Nowadays almost everybody is a creator, we need to be aware of copyright law and the appropriate ways to use original work responsibly with fair use. This means that when you create, you need to give credit where credit is due, and get credit for your original work!

When following the micro-learning activities based on the above skills you can earn your Valuing ideas Badge.

Get activity badge

VALUING IDEAS Get this badge

Информация по бейджуПодтверждения
The owner of this badge has shown to recognise the valuing ideas and to share and protect ideas.

The holder of this badge has worked independently and in collaboration with peers at the skill ‘Valuing ideas’ which connects with the area Ideas and Opportunities.
  • Showed how different groups, such as firms and institutions, create value in its community and surroundings.

How the holder of this badge worked on these skills can be seen in the evidence in the badge tasks. Adult educators have assessed the completed tasks.

This badge is part of the Entrecomp, the European Entrepreneurial Competence framework to improve the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens and organisations.
Задание номер 1
Доказательства проверены: Один организатор мероприятия
Step 1: Identifying what benefits business, companies, industry and institutions bring to the community, connect values, opportunities and ideas. Identify one large company and explore and share what benefits they bring to the community. This of course will bring employment but what else? 

Step 2: As for step 1 but this time identify one small to medium company and explore and share what benefits they bring to the community.

Step 3: What is the Third Sector or Social Enterprise? What should make these unique as a business model? 

Step 4: What local partnerships and collaborations can you discover in your community? Maybe two businesses work together to deliver something or a business and social enterprise work together to realise a service for the community? 

Step 5: You can identify the benefits (values) by using the Value proposition canvas template.You can earn an extra badge if you identify and  give one example of each of  the 3 different values companies or group(s) bring to your community.


#Design value
#Be accountable
#Guide action
#Analyse the context
#Be innovative
#Define problems
#Be curious and open
#Think sustainably
#Assess impact
#Behave ethically
#Recognise the value of ideas
#Identify, create and seize opportunities
#Focus on challenges
#Uncover needs
#Share and protect ideas
#Develop ideas
#Think strategically
Мероприятия: 5
Начато: 9
Завершенный плейлист: 0
Время на выполнение: 15 часов


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