This playlist invites participants to take action on fostering inclusivity for rural youth in both formal and non-formal learning spaces. Activities promote awareness, advocacy, and collaboration, ensuring every young person is empowered to participate equally in decision-making processes. The playlist aligns with European Youth Goal #3: Inclusive Societies.
Why should you care?
Promote Equity: Ensure equal access for rural youth.
Amplify Voices: Advocate for inclusive decision-making.
Foster Collaboration: Engage in initiatives addressing inclusion.
Skill Growth: Develop competencies in empathy, advocacy, and leadership.
Earn Recognition: Highlight your contributions through badges.
In order for you to complete the playlist and earn this badge you will need to have accomplished all the activities related to this playlist.
Baigti renginius
Atlikite šias veiklas, gaukite ženkliukus ir pamatysite grojaraščio progresą
Objective Analysis: This activity emphasizes the importance of public engagement in promoting inclusive practices, using advocacy tools like social media to amplify rural youth voices.
Detailed Description: Participants create awareness campaigns addressing inclusivity, focusing on the transformative power of education. Through social media or posters, they engage their communities, spreading messages of equity and inclusion. Documenting outcomes and reflections enables participants to analyze the effectiveness of their campaigns and consider areas for improvement.
Objective Analysis: This activity emphasizes the importance of public engagement in promoting inclusive practices, using advocacy tools like social media to amplify rural youth voices.
Detailed Description: Participants create awareness campaigns addressing inclusivity, focusing on the transformative power of education. Through social media or posters, they engage their communities, spreading messages of equity and inclusion. Documenting outcomes and reflections enables participants to analyze the effectiveness of their campaigns and consider areas for improvement.
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio narys
1. Create a social media or poster campaign on inclusive education.
2. Share outcomes of how it raised awareness in your community.
Evidence: Provide campaign materials and reflections.
Badgecraft palaiko šią platformą ir plėtoja ją kartu su pagrindinėmis švietimo organizacijomis. Europos Sąjungos programa Erasmus+ dalinai finansavo pirmosios platformos versijos sukūrimą. Susisiekite su mumis