
How to approach external feedback?


How to approach external feedback?



Here are just some of the practical considerations when approaching the external feedback:
  • To be relevant 360° feedback should be collected from different but connected sources to complete the circle. For example, participants, co-trainer(s), and contractor(s).
  • There is a minimum number of those providing feedback and this should be 10 overall.
  • Trainers might be tempted to pre-select those providing feedback, however, this might lead to obscuring and influencing the outcome. Feedback should not be targeted but sent without censorship. For example, to all the participants from one training course.
  • Feedback should be contextualised to avoid receiving generic external assessments. This means that it should be linked to concrete training events.
  • Feedback demonstrates a commitment to professional growth and development and it should be treated and presented as such.

Gauk veiklos ženkliuką

How to approach external feedback? Gauk šį ženkliuką

Here are just some of the practical considerations when approaching the external feedback:
  • To be relevant 360° feedback should be collected from different but connected sources to complete the circle. For example, participants, co-trainer(s), and contractor(s).
  • There is a minimum number of those providing feedback and this should be 10 overall.
  • Trainers might be tempted to pre-select those providing feedback, however, this might lead to obscuring and influencing the outcome. Feedback should not be targeted but sent without censorship. For example, to all the participants from one training course.
  • Feedback should be contextualised to avoid receiving generic external assessments. This means that it should be linked to concrete training events.
  • Feedback demonstrates a commitment to professional growth and development and it should be treated and presented as such.
Užduotis nr.1
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#Undergoing personal/ professional development through feedback
#Understands the values and mechanisms of feedback
#Gives, receives and integrates feedback in a constructive way
#Asks for feedback
#Shows willingness to learn from others, even those who might hold different values and worldviews
Learning to learn
Pridėjo į grojaraštį (1)


International Youth Work Trainers Guild

Panaudota grojaraščiuose

Appraiser External Feedback Guidelines
International Youth Work Trainers Guild
Sukurta Appraiser
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