
Why self-assessment?


Why self-assessment?



Appraisers views and reasons for including self-assessment are:
  • For an individual self-checking and monitoring process, it can help you get an answer to the question: As a trainer, am I where I want to be?
  • It creates a long-term learning perspective and allows you to consolidate learning over a wide range of contexts: linking learning from different ‘modules’ (seminars, trainings, experiences).
  • It brings recognition of your gained competences and it represents a valid substitute for other forms of assessment.
  • It helps develop self-reflective practice. In its essence, it is a learning activity designed to improve professional practice.
  • For self-knowledge and self-understanding, since it invites you to focus on yourself instead of seeking assessment and validation from external sources.
  • It promotes responsibility, prioritising and making time for self-reflection, self-assessment and professional improvement.

Gauk veiklos ženkliuką

Why self-assessment? Gauk šį ženkliuką

Appraisers views and reasons for including self-assessment are:
  • For an individual self-checking and monitoring process, it can help you get an answer to the question: As a trainer, am I where I want to be?
  • It creates a long-term learning perspective and allows you to consolidate learning over a wide range of contexts: linking learning from different ‘modules’ (seminars, trainings, experiences).
  • It brings recognition of your gained competences and it represents a valid substitute for other forms of assessment.
  • It helps develop self-reflective practice. In its essence, it is a learning activity designed to improve professional practice.
  • For self-knowledge and self-understanding, since it invites you to focus on yourself instead of seeking assessment and validation from external sources.
  • It promotes responsibility, prioritising and making time for self-reflection, self-assessment and professional improvement.
Užduotis nr.1
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#Assessing one’s own learning achievements and competences
#Applies appropriate methods and digital tools for assessment and self-assessment of their own learning achievements
Learning to learn
Pridėjo į grojaraštį (1)


International Youth Work Trainers Guild

Panaudota grojaraščiuose

Appraiser self-assessment guidelines
International Youth Work Trainers Guild
Sukurta Appraiser
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