
Engage and Communicate: Make Your Voices Heard


Engage and Communicate: Make Your Voices Heard



This playlist empowers young people to navigate the complex media landscape, engage in meaningful and respectful conversations, and access and share reliable information.

This playlist is designed for you to become a more informed and engaged citizen, capable of leading initiatives that promote media literacy and constructive dialogue in your community. It supports and prompts learning, recognition and actions contributing to the European Youth Goal #4 Information & Constructive Dialogue.

By completing playlist activities you will be able to influence local decisions, making your voices heard on issues that matter most to you. Take an active role in shaping your life and communities to ensure that your perspectives are considered in local policymaking.

Why should you care?

  • Make your voice heard: Gain the skills to influence local decisions and ensure your opinions shape policies that matter to you.
  • Tackle misinformation: Learn how to navigate the media landscape, identify fake news, and share reliable information with your community.
  • Stand up against hate speech: Become a leader in promoting inclusion and respect, both online and offline.
  • Lead meaningful conversations: Engage in constructive dialogue and foster open, respectful discussions in your community.
  • Earn recognition: Receive badges that showcase your leadership, media literacy, and civic engagement—boosting your credibility and future opportunities.
  • Connect with other active young people: Build a network with peers across Europe and exchange experiences that broaden your impact.
  • Take real action: Use your newly developed skills to advocate for change, create awareness campaigns, and engage with decision-makers.
  • Get support: Access guidance, resources, and event opportunities from the Cities of Learning Network to help you succeed.

How partners and organisations in Cities of Learning can support you:
  • Highlight success stories: Share inspiring examples of similar projects in your city and from other cities to motivate participation.
  • Promote participation: Use social media and local outreach to encourage young people to join in.
  • Create international connections: Help young people connect with international projects and opportunities to broaden their impact.
  • Organise events: Partner with local organisations to plan events that are relevant and exciting for young people.
  • Facilitate local engagement: Help organise the dialogue sessions by connecting young people with local policymakers and providing a neutral space for discussions.
  • Promote impact: Use the platform to highlight the results of the dialogue sessions and encourage ongoing engagement between youth and decision-makers.
  • Support implementation: Work with local authorities and youth groups to ensure that the action plans developed during the dialogues are implemented and monitored.

This playlist is a part of the European Youth Goals for Cities of Learning cooperation partnership implemented by four partner organisations:
  • System&G, lead partner in Greece
  • CODEC, Belgium
  • Badgecraft, Lithuania
  • System&G Finland

The EU Erasmus+ programme co-funded this activity.

Aktivitäten zu Fertigstellung

Schließe die folgenden Aktivitäten ab und erhalte Open Badge, um deinen Playlist- Fortschritt zu fördern
Media Masters: Navigating the Info Jungle
Unbekannte Dauer
Vollständige Aktivität ansehen


This activity will empower you to recognise and report hate speech, ensuring that everyone in your community feels safe and respected.

Participate in sessions where you’ll learn what hate speech is, how to report it, and how to create safe, inclusive spaces. You’ll also engage in role-playing activities to build confidence in handling challenging situations.

First, get inspired:

Watch the TED talk by Sabrina Lane, an American student in conflict-ridden Balkans who shares their secret to fighting hate at TEDxBoston.

Listen to a podcast with some useful information and tools to deal with hate speech shared by a team of the training course "Combatting Hate's Journey".

Now, take action!

You’ll gain the skills and confidence to recognize and report hate speech, contributing to a more inclusive community by taking part in the following activities in your city:

Get your badge.

Complete some of the activities from the list above and apply for a badge (=click the "Get this badge" button below) by sharing your experience and skills.

Who is behind this activity?

Cities of Learning Network partners invite you to learn and do something about the European Youth Goal #4 Information & Constructive Dialogue. We value your efforts and contributions and therefore want to reward you with badge recognition.
Contact us for more details about the Erasmus+ co-funded project "European Youth Goals for Cities of Learning"
  • System&G, Greece - the project lead partner
  • CODEC, Belgium
  • Badgecraft, Lithuania
  • System&G Finland

Disclaimer: We are grateful for the ideas generated by youth leaders and youth workers during the international study visits. To create this activity, humans collaborated with AI using the Youth Goals Hub GPT custom-built version, informed and inspired by the best youth work practices.

Erhalte einen Badge für diese Aktivität

No Hate Speech Advocate Erhalte diesen Badge

Badge InformationenBefürwortungen
Awarded for demonstrating a proactive stance against hate speech online and offline, this badge recognises your commitment to identifying and reporting hate speech, contributing to a safer and more inclusive community. By participating in the "Speak Up: Recognising and Reporting Hate Speech" activity, you have demonstrated important competences in supporting inclusion and ethical behaviour.

Skills and experiences gained:
  • Ethical awareness (connected to Youth Information Competence C7: Support Inclusion): Enhanced understanding of the impact of hate speech and how to combat it, demonstrating cultural awareness and supporting inclusion.
  • Reporting skills: Experience in identifying and reporting hate speech effectively.
  • Advocacy (connected to Youth Information Competence C9: Build Relationships): Developed skills in promoting tolerance and respect within your community, ensuring that others feel empowered, heard, and safe.

This badge demonstrates the earner's understanding and actions contributing to the European Youth Goal #4 Information & Constructive Dialogue. Cities of Learning Network partners value badge earner's efforts and contributions and issue this badge after reviewing the provided evidence.
Du musst 2 Aufgaben beenden, um den Badge zu erhalten
Aufgabe Nr. 1
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Hate speech identification:
  • Task: Identify an example of hate speech either online or in your community. Describe how it fits the definition of hate speech and why it is harmful.
  • Evidence: Submit a written or video explanation of the identified hate speech, along with an analysis of its impact.
Aufgabe Nr. 2
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Reporting action:
  • Task: Report the identified hate speech to the appropriate platform or authority, following the reporting tools and methods proposed in the "Speak Up: Recognising and Reporting Hate Speech" activity.
  • Evidence: Provide evidence of the report submission (e.g., a screenshot of the report confirmation or a summary of the action taken).
Aufgabe Nr. 3
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Advocacy project:
  • Task: Create or participate in a project that promotes tolerance and counters hate speech within your community.
  • Evidence: Submit a description of your project, including any materials you created, and feedback from participants or community members.
Aktivitäten: 5
Begonnen: 1
Absolvierte Playlists: 0
Zeit zur Vervollständigung: 8 Stunden

Ausführende Organisation

Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
Badgecraft betreibt diese Plattform und entwickelt sie zusammen mit Organisationen aus dem Bildungsbereich. Das EU Programm ERASMUS+ hat eine Ko-Finanzierung für die Entwicklung der ersten Version dieser Plattform gewährt. Kontakt
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