Climate for All Facilitator Training

Play Elephant in the Room

Turite gauti visus ženkliukus iš žemiau pateikto sąrašo
The player has developed the following competences by playing this game:
  • Problem framing: To formulate current or potential challenges as a sustainability problem in terms of difficulty, people involved, time and geographical scope, in order to identify suitable approaches to anticipating and preventing problems, and to mitigating and adapting to already existing problems.
  • Critical thinking: To assess information and arguments, identify assumptions, challenge the status quo, and reflect on how personal, social and cultural backgrounds influence thinking and conclusions.
  • Exploratory thinking: To adopt a relational way of thinking by exploring and linking different disciplines, using creativity and experimentation with novel ideas or methods.
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: pats patvirtino
What did you learn by playing the Elephant in the Room?


#green skills
#game-based learning
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