How To Create a Badge System

Badge System Designer

Ženkliuko informacijaPripažinimas
This badge shows my increased understanding on how to create badge systems or badge-based learning pathways.

To earn this badge, I had to provide a simple prototype of a badge system for the learning process.
The evidence was reviewed by one of the trainers.

This badge is issued as a part of the online course leading to the achievement of the Badge Quality Label.

Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Now you know what are the main steps to design a system of badges and what might be different types of badges and how these might be connected into the learning pathway.

Choose a project, programme or some kind of learning flow, which you are organising or you are experiencing as a learner. Take a paper and pen or use digital tools to draw a learning pathway from the beginning to the end. Consider and visualise at which place of the pathway the badges might be useful and what kind of badges would fit that specific moment: onboarding, engagement, motivation, recognition, fun, etc.

Make a photo of the pathway, add any additional explanations and upload it here for the evidence.

Alternatively, you can start describing your badges in the form based on this template and upload it here.

The badge will be issued when the evidence is reviewed and accepted by at least one trainer.
Prisijunk ir pradėk užduotį


How To Create a Badge System
Kokybiškų atvirųjų ženkliukų ir pripažinimo sistemų kūrimas
Badgecraft palaiko šią platformą ir plėtoja ją kartu su pagrindinėmis švietimo organizacijomis. Europos Sąjungos programa Erasmus+ dalinai finansavo pirmosios platformos versijos sukūrimą. Susisiekite su mumis
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