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Appraiser self-assessment guidelines


Appraiser self-assessment guidelines



Welcome to this playlist which provides guidelines on how to use the functionalities of Appraiser for conducting a self-assessment of your competences. Here you will find:

  • Key points behind self-assessment and its value in the competence-based approach.
  • How to use the AppRaiser platform to perform self-assessment.
  • Hints and tips on how to navigate your way through the process

Feel free to check out the guidelines on other functionalities and possibilities of Appraiser and contact the team for any further assistance:

Download Appraiser Self-Assessment Guidelines in PDF

Activities to complete

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What is a competence-based assessment?
Unknown duration
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Competence-based assessment is the bridge between the education and employment market. It gives a language to learning and development and one that is understood both by educational institutions and the employment systems. At the same time, it does not rely on traditional authority, which comes with external assessment, tests and grading. It allows separation from official programmes and institutions and it is opening space for self-assessment and peer assessment. That said, it is an assessment of ‘real-life’ performance, rather than academic achievements. This means that it allows space for competences that are gained on-the-job (through your trainer’s practice) and/or through non-formal training opportunities and/or through informal, life situations. Competence-based assessment is context based, or at least it should be, allowing for contextualisation of the competences. In our case, placing it into the context of international youth work training.

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What is competence-based assessment? Get this badge

Competence-based assessment is the bridge between the education and employment market. It gives a language to learning and development and one that is understood both by educational institutions and the employment systems. At the same time, it does not rely on traditional authority, which comes with external assessment, tests and grading. It allows separation from official programmes and institutions and it is opening space for self-assessment and peer assessment. That said, it is an assessment of ‘real-life’ performance, rather than academic achievements. This means that it allows space for competences that are gained on-the-job (through your trainer’s practice) and/or through non-formal training opportunities and/or through informal, life situations. Competence-based assessment is context based, or at least it should be, allowing for contextualisation of the competences. In our case, placing it into the context of international youth work training.
Task no.1
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Why self-assessment?
Unknown duration


#Прымяняе ў працы зваротную сувязь і пасля падтрымлівае або аднаўляе свой уласны эмацыйны балансПрымяняе ў працы зваротную сувязь і пасля падтрымлівае або аднаўляе свой уласны эмацыйны баланс
#Выкарыстоўвае інтэрнэт-рэсурсы для пашырэння асабістага навучання
#Праходжанне асабістага / прафесійнага развіцця праз зваротную сувязь
#Вызначэнне мэт навучання і іх актыўнае дасягненне
#Заахвочвае цікаўнасць да ўласнага працэсу навучання
#Надае асаблівую ўвагу поглядам і каштоўнасцям пры самаацэнцы і планаванні далейшага развіцця
#Спасылаецца на розныя прынцыпы і метады ацэнкі і самаацэнкі
#Дэманструе разуменне канцэпцыі кампетэнтнасці ў кантэксце навучання
#Разумее, як навучанне можа быць арганізавана эфектыўным і поўным сэнсу спосабам і робіць разнастайным асяроддзе навучання, у тым ліку анлайн
#Прымяняе адпаведныя метады і лічбавыя інструменты для ацэнкі і самаацэнкі ўласных навучальных дасягненняў
#Ацэнка ўласных вучэбных дасягненняў і кампетэнцый
#Рэфлексуе аб працэсе навучання
#Прымяняе канцэпцыю кампетэнтнасці ў кантэксце навучання
#Рэгулярна крытычна разважае пра ўласныя каштоўнасці і матывацыі і пра тое, як яны ўплываюць на паводзіны
Activities: 7
Started: 8
Completed playlist: 0


International Youth Work Trainers Guild
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact
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