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How to prepare for self-assessment using Appraiser platform?


How to prepare for self-assessment using Appraiser platform?



Before going on a self-assessment adventure with AppRaiser, think about how you would like to enter into it by reflecting on:
  1. What is relevant for you right now?
  2. What is relevant for you in the coming years?
  3. What do you want to focus on?
  4. How deep do you want to go?
  5. How much time and effort do you want to invest?
  6. How much evidence do you want to provide?
  7. Do you have time to process and act on the outcomes?

You can do it alone or with another person. This could be your mentor or supervisor. Or a trainer colleague. Or perhaps you already have a peer support group, in which case you can go through these questions with them. They could provide further inspiration, clarification, comfort and support for you.

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How to prepare for self-assessment using Appraiser platform? Get this badge

Before going on a self-assessment adventure with AppRaiser, think about how you would like to enter into it by reflecting on:
  1. What is relevant for you right now?
  2. What is relevant for you in the coming years?
  3. What do you want to focus on?
  4. How deep do you want to go?
  5. How much time and effort do you want to invest?
  6. How much evidence do you want to provide?
  7. Do you have time to process and act on the outcomes?

You can do it alone or with another person. This could be your mentor or supervisor. Or a trainer colleague. Or perhaps you already have a peer support group, in which case you can go through these questions with them. They could provide further inspiration, clarification, comfort and support for you.
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#Ацэнка ўласных вучэбных дасягненняў і кампетэнцый
#Вызначэнне мэт навучання і іх актыўнае дасягненне
#Разумее, як навучанне можа быць арганізавана эфектыўным і поўным сэнсу спосабам і робіць разнастайным асяроддзе навучання, у тым ліку анлайн
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Learning to learn
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International Youth Work Trainers Guild

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Appraiser self-assessment guidelines
International Youth Work Trainers Guild
Created on Appraiser
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact
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