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Citizenship Education in Action

Komotini 691 00, Greece
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Citizenship Education in Action

Komotini 691 00, Greece
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Objective Analysis: This activity emphasizes the importance of civic knowledge as a foundation for active citizenship. It highlights how understanding political systems and human rights contributes to the democratic process and community betterment.
Detailed Description: Participants are introduced to civic education concepts through workshops or webinars, which provide the knowledge base for understanding democracy and civic rights. They then contextualize these learnings by applying them to their own communities, identifying areas for improvement. Proposing a civic initiative helps bridge theoretical knowledge with practical application, fostering empowerment and active engagement.

Preuzmi značku znanja aktivnosti

Citizenship Education in Action Preuzmi ovu značku znanja

Informacije o znački znanjaPotvrde
Objective Analysis: This activity emphasizes the importance of civic knowledge as a foundation for active citizenship. It highlights how understanding political systems and human rights contributes to the democratic process and community betterment.
Detailed Description: Participants are introduced to civic education concepts through workshops or webinars, which provide the knowledge base for understanding democracy and civic rights. They then contextualize these learnings by applying them to their own communities, identifying areas for improvement. Proposing a civic initiative helps bridge theoretical knowledge with practical application, fostering empowerment and active engagement.
Zadatak broj1
Dokaz verifikovan od strane: jedan/na učesnik/ca aktivnosti
1. Attend a workshop or webinar on political systems or human rights.
2. Summarize key takeaways and how they apply to your community.
3. Propose a small civic initiative based on your learnings.
4. Evidence: Provide a summary and your civic initiative proposal.


Komotini 691 00, Greece


#Enhance learning & development
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Network of Cities and Regions of Learning

Koristi se u plejlistama

"Empowered Learners: Advancing Quality Learning"
Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
Kreirano na European Youth Goals
"Empowered Learners: Advancing Quality Learning"
Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
Kreirano na European Youth Goals
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