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Needs Analysis using Personas and Empathy Maps

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Needs Analysis using Personas and Empathy Maps

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Working from the earliest Stages of the Design Thinking process (Emphatise / Define / Ideate / Prototype & Test Phases) you can explore the needs of a learner through the lens of a (Developing) Trainer.

The Emphatise phase allows educators/developers of the curricula to think about the lives of their students, to try to understand them and to think about what their everyday life looks like. With the gained insights and knowledge, more appropriate and tailored training can be defined in the next phase.

The Define phase enables a more detailed definition of the needs and problems of the learner, which are based on the considerations and insights from the first phase. This in turn allows for responding adequately to learners’ needs in the phase to follow.

Step 1

In the interest of making sure we know who we are planning training for you are invited to consider - the rapidly evolving landscape of technology and societal change, and the need to enhance skills such as digital literacy, critical thinking, and adaptive learning to empower individuals all the while being mindful of inclusion, wellbeing and ongoing development.

Think through your persona and consider their needs if you are offering your tools

The Persona - Who are we designing for?
Draft a sample persona of a person who will / could attend your training with the following profile considerations:
  • age
  • gender
  • education
  • other relevant info such as socio/economic status/inclusion challenges or barriers
  • digital literacy
  • learning style
  • possibly hobbies/interests
  • NAME

Use the online persona builder on Hubspot or Venngage

Badge task: Upload a created persona for the badge evidence below.

Step 2

Understand the Persona better with an Empathy Map
An Empathy Map serves as a visual representation, enabling us to step into the shoes of our target audience. It facilitates understanding what they say, think, feel, and do in response to various questions or situations. Essentially, it's a tool guiding us to comprehend the human side of the learning experience

In essence, it is a way of visualising what we know about a persona in an organised way.

Use a variation of the Empathy Map Canvas (simplify if needed, or hand draw and use your own).

Empathy Map Canvas (This canvas is © 2017 Dave Gray,
You can also consider other online boards to develop your Empathy Map - Have a look here at who have an Empathy Map Training online article

Badge task: Upload an empathy map for the badge evidence below.

Reflect on your experience as a trainer in addressing the needs observed in the empathy map and how you would use digital skills to support the learning experience.

Step 3

Based on the previous steps and your reflection on addressing the needs, formulate a Purpose statement following the structure below:

[NAME of Persona] _________ is a [summary of persona] who needs _________________[based on needs identified in Empathy Map] because ____________________________ [baesd on insights from Empathy Map]

Badge task: post the Purpose statement for the badge evidence below.

Inspiring resources:

Awero organisation in collaboration with the Youth Work Ireland Midlands created this educational resource and activity to support trainers' digital competence development.

Activity content and badge issuing criteria aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for trainers to work internationally. In particular:
  • Recognises learners’ needs and limitations including different skills and literacies as well as any changes in the situation;
  • Demonstrates an understanding of different educational methods and concepts for needs assessment;
  • Assesses learners’ needs before or at the very beginning of the training activity;
  • Addresses learners’ needs through an adequate and tailored educational approach;
  • Demonstrates a genuine interest in learners’ needs;
  • Identifies and recommends digital learning tools and resources to fulfil learners' needs.

Want to endorse (?) our organisation, this activity and/or badge - send us an email! Contact us at for further questions.

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Needs Analysis through Empathy Mapping Preuzmi ovu značku znanja

Badge earner has become familiar with the early principles of the Design Thinking - Empathy Stage and how to use the learned insights to prepare to design appropriate training to meet a learners' needs.

To get this badge, trainer:
  • Completed a Learner (User) Persona
  • Completed corresponding Empathy Map
  • Formed a problem/purpose statement

Activity content and badge issuing criteria aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for trainers to work internationally.
Learning duration: 1,5 hours.
Zadatak broj1
Dokaz verifikovan od strane: jedan/na organizator/ka aktivnosti
To get this badge, complete and upload the following:
  1. Completed Persona.
  2. Completed Empathy Map.
  3. Problem/Purpose Statement.
  4. Reflection on how as a trainer you will design suitable training for learners.


#Demonstrates an understanding of different educational methods and concepts for needs assessment
#Assesses learners’ needs before or at the very beginning of the training activity
#Addresses learners’ needs through an adequate and tailored educational approach
#Demonstrates a genuine interest in learners’ needs
#Identifies and recommends digital learning tools and resources to fulfil learners needs
#Recognises learners’ needs and limitations including different skills and literacies as well as any changes in the situation
Designing educational programmes
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Vreme za završetak: 1 sat 30 minuta
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