To register for the course please use your MRU student email.
All information regarding the course will be sent to this email – reminders, MS Teams links and etc. Before the course, you will be enrolled in this course on moodle, where course materials, tasks for self-study will be uploaded. In case you do not get any course information as the course date approaches, please make sure your registration is completed via student’s email and it is visible to organizers.
This course will acquaint you with the concepts of critical thinking and development of critical thinking as well as framework for critical thinking development, strategies and methods.
Content of the course
1. The development of critical thinking concepts in the context of history.
2. Traits of a critical thinking personality. The importance of critical thinking in today's world.
3. Critical thinking education and learning scheme. Cooperative learning.
4. Taxonomies of critical thinking. The role of questions in the development of critical thinking.
Duration and workload
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 1 ECTS
Student's workload: 27 hours
Contact study hours and planned learning: 8 hours (online)
Independent study hours: 19 hours
Lecturer: assoc. prof. D. Penkauskiene
Course dates: please, wait for the update
Students will receive a micro-credential in the format of the digital Open Badge upon succesful completion of all tasks and the assessment process on the Moodle platform.
Course outcomes
Students will understand the importance of critical thinking and the development of critical thinking for the individual and society.Students will be able to recognize the traits of a critical thinking personality.Students will be able to apply the critical thinking development framework and methods in academic study activities.
Teaching and learning methods
Lectures, seminars, individual and group activities. Discussions, case analysis.
Assessment process:
Assignments are completed independently on the MRU Moodle platform
- Individual tasks - 50% of the assessement
- Group tasks - 50% of the assessement