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Development of Critical Thinking

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Development of Critical Thinking

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MRU Career Center, in collaboration with Associate Professor Dr. Daiva Penkauskienė, is excited to present the Micro-credential training course "Development of Critical Thinking". This is a unique opportunity to enhance your analytical skills and broaden your approach to solving problems.
The training course is free of charge, organized regularly, and available only to MRU students.
The number of spots in each group is limited.

Training Course Content:
1. The development of critical thinking concepts in the context of history.
2. Traits of a critical thinking personality. The importance of critical thinking in today's world.
3. Critical thinking education and learning scheme. Cooperative learning.
4. Taxonomies of critical thinking. The role of questions in the development of critical thinking.

Training Course Scope:
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 1 ECTS
Student's workload: 27 hours
Contact study hours and planned learning: 8 hours (online)
Independent study hours: 19 hours

Lecturer: assoc. prof. D. Penkauskiene

Training Schedule:
The registration link, along with information about training dates and times, is announced on MRU social media channels and sent to students via email.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Students will understand the importance of critical thinking and the development of critical thinking for the individual and society.
  • Students will be able to recognize the traits of a critical thinking personality.
  • Students will be able to apply the critical thinking development framework and methods in academic study activities.
    Methods Applied During Learning:
    Lectures, seminars, individual and group activities. Discussions, case analysis.
    Type of Assessment and Evaluation Method:
    Grade received for the tasks completed independently on the MRU Moodle platform.
    • Individual tasks - 50% of the assessment
    • Group tasks - 50% of the assessment
    Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive a digital micro-credential in the form of an Open Digital Badge, as well as a certificate containing all the necessary information. The badge is issued via email after task submission and evaluation on the MRU Moodle platform.

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    Development of Critical Thinking Pridobi to značko

    Learning outcomes
    This micro-credential confirms that the owner of it is able to:
    ▪ understand the importance of critical thinking and the development of critical thinking for the individual and society
    ▪ recognize the traits of a critical thinking personality
    ▪ apply the critical thinking development framework and methods in academic study activities
    Notional workload required to achieve the learning outcomes
    1 ECTS (total workload 27 hours, direct contact study duration 8 hours, independent study duration 19 hours)
    Type of assessment
    Form of participation in the learning activity
    Level of learning experience leading to a micro-credential (EKS, EAME KS)
    EKS 6 level
    The quality assurance method used to validate a micro-credential
    Regulations of Mykolas Romeris University Study and Research Quality Policy and Internal Quality Assurance System, approved in 2023.
    Supervision and identity verification during assessment
    Unsupervised with no identity verification
    Integration and/or stackability options:
    A standalone, independent micro-credential.
    Naloga št.1
    Izda organizator ali skeniranje QR kode
    Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive a digital microcredential in the format of an Open Digital Badge with all the required information.
    The badge is issued by e-mail after submitting and evaluating assignments on the MRU Moodle platform. To receive a badge, you will need to confirm it on this platform and all received badges will be reflected in your Badge Wallet 
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