





Entrepreneurial people
Entrepreneurial people are very important for the society, business, formal education, municipality and many other fields in Drobeta Turnu Severin. Why? Because entrepreneurial people show initiative, have the necessary courage, make decisions, and show responsibility.
Entrepreneurial types see opportunities and don't like to keep things the way they used to be when that doesn't work.
  • They draw their own plan and act accordingly.
  • Are well informed about relevant developments in the environment and use this knowledge effectively.
  • Has an eye for the effects of (own) decision-making.
  • Wants to continuously get the best out of him/herself and their projects and initiatives.
  • Can gain acceptance or agreement from others for his own point of view through argumentation, personal ascendancy and tact.
  • Identifies and investigates the wishes and needs of others and acts accordingly
  • Views situations from different angles and thinks outside the box.
  • Knows how to combine things, and makes connections
  • Consults others/experts and knows how to involve them through networking

Definition of entrepreneurship: ‘the ability to turn ideas into action that generate value for someone other than oneself.’* Therefore we have developed 3 learning playlists: ‘Ideas and opportunities’, ‘Resources’ and ‘Into Action’. These are the 3 areas where you show the ability to transform ideas and opportunities into action by mobilising resources. These resources can be personal (namely, self-awareness and self-efficacy, motivation and persever-ance), material (for instance, production means and financial resources) or non-material (for instance, specific knowledge, skills and attitudes).*

Entrecomp (The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework) defines entrepreneurship as a transversal competence, which applies to all spheres of life: from nurturing personal development, to actively participating in society, to (re)entering the job market as an employee or as a self-employed person, and also to starting up ventures (cultural, social or commercial). This competence model is used to define the Open Badges that you can earn during this learning playlist.

Why should you do this playlist
To understand how you can recognise and strengthen entrepreneurial traits and skills in yourself. And to be aware about how to take advantage of them.

Within this playlist you will work on the ability to identify and develop ideas and opportunities. 
Activity 1, Spotting Opportunities: You will practice how to use your imagination and abilities to identify opportunities for creating value. 
Activity 2, Creativity: Develop creative and purposeful ideas. 
Activity 3, Vision: Work towards your vision of the future. 
Activity 4, Valuing ideas: Make the most of ideas and opportunities. 
Activity 5, Thinking Ethically and sustainably: Assess the consequences and impact of ideas, opportunities and actions.

To know if this playlist is for you, you can complete the self-assessment to see which skills can be learned inside the different activities.

For each completed activity you can earn a micro-credential badge. When all steps are fulfilled you will earn the Playlist Ideas and Opportunities Badge.

Good luck and have fun!

There are two other playlist where you can learn and show how to be entrepreneurial: 

* Entrecomp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework, JCR Science for policy report, 2016, page 10

Activities to complete

Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated
3 tundi
View full activity


You don't see golden opportunities only with your eyes, but also with your mind. In which sector do you want to be active and where are the opportunities? Think for example about what you can contribute to your community. Maybe you are always complaining about the plastic on the streets? Now you can get started to turn your complaints into examining opportunities to resolve the problem and make value.

As a person with entrepreneurial skills you will see where the opportunities lie and seize them with full conviction. A person who is spotting opportunities can:
  • recognise opportunities to create value in their community and surroundings
  • recognise challenges in their community and surroundings that can contribute to solving
  • identify needs in their community and surroundings that have not been met
  • recognise the different roles the public, private and third sectors play in their region or country

This activity is based on the European Competence Framework Entrecomp: “By ‘spotting Opportunities' we are triggered to use our imagination and abilities to explore and identify opportunities for creating value in the area (social, cultural and economic) we work in. In this way we are able to identify needs and challenges that need to be met and establish new connections and  opportunities to create value.”

SWOT analysis
A method that can help spotting opportunities in your community is a SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis will show you where the opportunities and weaknesses are of that community. It’s important to make observations and findings as objective as possible. What goes well and what can be done better? Chat with other people to receive different perspectives.
Several questions to ask yourself:
  • What are the STRENGTHS of the community? 
  • What are the WEAKNESSES of the community?
  • Which OPPORTUNITIES are already present in the community?
  • Which actors are a THREAT for the community?

Example of a SWOT analysis:

SWOT Ananlyses example

When following the micro-learning activities based on the above skills you can earn your Spotting opportunities badge.


  • SWOT Analysis worksheet & example

Get activity badge


Märgi informatsioonEndorsements
The owner of this Wikipedia builder badge has created a personal Wikipedia description of their community and thereby shown to:
  • recognise opportunities to create value in their community and surroundings.
  • recognise challenges in their community and surroundings that can contribute to solving.
  • identify needs in their community and surroundings that have not been met.

The holder of this badge has worked independently and in collaboration with peers at the skill ‘Spotting Opportunities’ which connects with the area Ideas and Opportunities (foundation level) of Entrecomp, the European Entrepreneurial Competence framework to improve the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens and organisations.

How the holder of this badge worked on these skills can be seen in the evidence in the badge tasks. Adult educators have assessed the completed tasks.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Create your own personal Wikipedia type description of your community: 
  • What is the history of Drobeta Turnu Severin? 
  • What is the population? 
  • Who lives there?
  • What is the industry/business?

Some practical tools to transfer your Wikipedia description into a real Wikipedia are Wikislim and MediaWiki. Creating a Wikipedia is not mandatory for earning your Open Badge, we only expect to receive your description.
3 tundi


#Design value
#Be accountable
#Guide action
#Analyse the context
#Be innovative
#Define problems
#Be curious and open
#Think sustainably
#Assess impact
#Behave ethically
#Recognise the value of ideas
#Identify, create and seize opportunities
#Focus on challenges
#Uncover needs
#Share and protect ideas
#Develop ideas
#Think strategically
Activities: 5
Started: 9
Completed playlist: 0
Time to complete: 15 tundi


Youthopolis NGO
Badgecraft käitab veebi taristut Õppimise linnade ja regioonide jaoks. Euroopa konsortsium arendab seda platvormi kaasrahastusega Euroopa Liidu programmist Erasmus+.
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