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Cities of Learning Community Call: Role city administration in building City of Learning

Thursday, November 2, 2023 16:00 - 17:00
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Cities of Learning Community Call: Role city administration in building City of Learning

Thursday, November 2, 2023 16:00 - 17:00


During the call, the Lisbon municipality team will share their journey from first starting Lisbon City of Learning to growing it further.
You will learn about:
  • What reasons and benefits did the city administration have for deciding to establish a City of Learning?
  • What concrete steps and activities did the city administration undertake in the initial preparation phase?
  • What are the milestones and major achievements reached in Lisbon City of Learning?
  • What are the next steps they will take to grow the reach and impact?
  • Recommendations and tips for working with a diverse network of partners from public, private and third sector.

Helder Toucas, from Lisbon Municipality is sharing their work together with many Lisbon organisations within the Lisbon City of Learning Community.

Find out more about Cities of Learning Network. Check our social media profiles to join the next Cities of Learning Community call: Facebook page and LinkedIn profile.

Cities of Learning Community calls and videos produced thanks to the Erasmus+ co-funding for the Cities of Learning Network's operational capacity grant.

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Badge informationEndorsements
Badge earner joined conversations about The Role of City Administration when building a City of Learning at the Cities of Learning Community call. Helder Toucas from Lisbon Municipality together with local partners from Lisbon City of Learning shared their good practices and reasons for being involved in Cities of Learning Network.

People joining this activity had opportunities to:
  • Understand the reasons and benefits that the city administration has for deciding to establish a City of Learning
  • Being aware about the concrete steps and activities that the city administration undertake in the initial preparation phase
  • Knowing the milestones and major achievements reached in Lisbon City of Learning
  • Learning about the next steps Lisbon will take to grow the reach and impact
  • Receiving recommendations and tips for working with a diverse network of partners from public, private and third sector
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#Applies digital technologies, tools and e-learning where necessary/relevant in planning, designing, delivering and evaluating activities
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Time to complete: 1 hour


Network of Cities and Regions of Learning

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Cities of Learning Community Calls
Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
Created on Global platform for Cities of Learning
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact
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