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Career management


Career management



The Career Centre organises Career Days, meetings with company representatives and alumni, and career seminars - all of which give you the opportunity to get to know yourself, different career paths, organisations, make professional contacts, find an internship or a job, and find out about trends in the labour market. Attend a Career Centre event or training and get this digital badge!

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Career management Get this badge

Mykolas Romeris University hereby certifies with this special digital badge that the recipient:
  • Participated in Career Days and/or seminars, discussions on career topics;
  • met with representatives from companies and alumni.
Through involvement in Career Management activities, the student developed the following competencies and skills:
Self-awareness and self-reflection: assessed strengths and weaknesses;
Career planning: improved long-term and short-term planning skills;
Networking: met new people and expanded their professional network;
Communication: enhanced public speaking and presentation skills;
Professional competency development: honed skills required for a specific profession through seminars, training sessions, and practical activities;
Professional etiquette: adapted to different work environments and cultures.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Take part in the Career Centre's various activities and get your Career Management Badge!
Describe the activities in which you participated or are participating, share your achievements and/or and be sure to add a short description of what character qualities, skills or competences you developed and/or strengthened thanks to these activities!
We look forward to your letter to with the note "MRU Career management"
The issuing of the badge can also be initiated by the activity manager.
Non-formal education
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Mykolas Romeris University
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact
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