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Communication and collaboration


Communication and collaboration



Communication and collaboration through digital technologies are of great importance nowadays. This means that you can talk to others, work together on projects, and participate in online communities using your computer, tablet, or phone. This is useful for work, study, or simply keeping in touch with friends and family.
It's not just about talking and collaborating, though. It's also important to understand how to present yourself online. You can create a digital profile with digital technologies and share it with others. This can be useful for things like job applications or meeting new people.
Another important point is knowing how to protect yourself online and manage your digital identity and reputation. This means being aware of what you share on the internet and who has access to your personal information.
What's great about digital technologies is that they enable us to participate in society via public and private digital services. This allows us to actively engage as citizens and have a say on issues that are important to us and our community.
In short, communication and collaboration through digital technologies provide many opportunities and possibilities. It's important to handle them consciously so that we can make the most of these opportunities while safeguarding our privacy and security.

What is digital technology?
Digital technology is the use of electronics, such as computers, smartphones and tablets, to store, process and share information. It includes the software, programs and apps we use to communicate, find and share online information, and to simplify our daily lives. Digital technology has given us many possibilities, such as quickly and easily finding information, communicating with people all over the world, and purchasing products and services online. It can sometimes be challenging to deal with, but through practice and learning digital skills, you can become more adept and it can enrich your life in many ways.

Communication and collaboration competencies

2.1 Engage in interaction with oth
ers using various digital technologies and understand which digital communication tools are appropriate for a given context.

2.2 Sharing data, information, and digital content with others through suitable digital technology. Acting as an intermediary and being aware of practices related to source and attribution

2.3 Participating in society through public and private digital services. Seeking opportunities to increase self-reliance and participatory citizenship with the help of suitable digital technology.

2.4 The use of digital tools and technologies for collaborative processes and for co-construction and co-creation of data, resources and knowledge.

2.5 Being aware of behavioral norms and know-how when using digital technology and interacting in digital environments. Adapting communication strategies to the specific audience and being aware of cultural and generational diversity in digital environments.

Open Badges
Are you ready to learn new skills and earn an Open Badge? Whether you prefer working independently or need guidance, there are countless ways to get started. The great thing is that you get to choose what you focus on, based on your own interests and passions. There are many ways to demonstrate these skills, and you have the freedom to explore different options that suit you best. The beauty of these competencies is that they all consist of four different mastery levels. This means that for each competency, you have the opportunity to earn an Open Badge on up to four different levels. Once you are confident in your skills, it's time to show them to your coach or work supervisor. Once you have proven your mastery, the Open Badge will be proudly awarded to you. So what are you waiting for? Let's work together to discover and develop your competencies!

Other important skills
By enhancing your digital skills, you not only showcase your digital skills, but also other important skills. For example, it is important to be able to read well on paper and on the screen. You should also know how to behave responsibly as a citizen and how to fully participate in civic and social life. When you are able to use traditional and new forms of media, critically evaluate them, and handle them effectively, you have also worked on the competence of 'citizenship'. Because it is important to understand the role and functions of media in democratic societies. So by developing digital skills, you can not only make better use of digital technologies, but also better participate in society and be a responsible citizen. It is therefore really worthwhile to continue developing and applying digital skills.

Get activity badge

Interacting through digital Get this badge

Badge informationEndorsements
The badge holder has demonstrated dedication and competency in the competence of Communication and collaboration: Interacting using digital technologies. With pride, he or she can demonstrate the following results and skills:

Engaging in interaction with others using various digital technologies and understanding which digital communication tools are appropriate for a specific context.

At a basic level, independently and where necessary with appropriate guidance, I can:
  • select simple digital technologies for interaction; recognize suitable simple communication tools for a specific context.
(c) DigComp 2.2

These achievements have been recognized and rewarded in consultation with the badge holder by the coach and supervisor who issued the badge as a sign of the badge holder's achievements. Whether you are a reader of this badge who is an employer seeking a person with digital skills, or someone who wants to demonstrate and strengthen his or her skills, this badge is a clear indication of digital knowledge and skills.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Create a plan with your coach on which tasks you will perform to gain control over the following skills:
  • selecting simple digital technologies for interaction;
  • recognizing suitable simple communication tools for a particular context.

Examples to develop these skills:
  • Imagine you have a team working remotely on a project. It is important to choose good communication tools to ensure that your team works effectively. One simple digital technology to consider, for instance, is an instant messaging app like Slack or WhatsApp. This is a great way to quickly send messages and exchange information without wasting time on emails or phone calls. But if you need more in-depth communication, you could consider using a video conferencing platform like Zoom. This allows you to virtually meet with your team and share your ideas and progress as if you were physically together.
  • It is also important to consider the context of your communication when choosing the right communication tools. For example, if you have a quick question for a team member, an instant messaging app might be more suitable. But if you need to make an important decision that requires a lot of discussion, it is probably better to hold a video conference. By practicing the selection of simple digital technologies for interaction and recognizing suitable communication tools for a particular context, you will be better able to communicate and collaborate effectively with your team.

But it doesn't end there - increase the value of your badge by adding your learning process and achievements to your badge. This allows potential employers to get a better understanding of your digital skills.


#Integrating through digital technologies
#Sharing through digital technologies
#Engaging citizenship through digital technologies
#Collaborating through digital technologies
Career and job readiness
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Digital Skills
Created on Breda City of Learning
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact
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