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Information and data literacy


Information and data literacy



Information and data literacy is about the skills you need to use information and data in a smart and effective way. This means you must be able to find, understand, evaluate and use information and data for different purposes. It's not just about finding information on the internet, but also about understanding the information you have found.
When you want to search for something online, you need certain skills. For example, it's important to know what you're looking for, where to find it, how to find it, and how to evaluate whether what you have found is reliable. It's also useful to know how to store the information you find in a convenient place and how to organize it well, so that you can easily find it later. These are all important skills that you can use when you are digitally active, meaning that you regularly use computers, the internet, and/or other digital devices.
By learning and applying these skills, you can more easily and efficiently find what you need, and better evaluate which information is trustworthy. You can also better organize and retrieve your digital files, so that you can use them again later. All of this makes life easier and more enjoyable, especially if you regularly use digital technologies.

Digital content
Digital content refers to any type of information that is available digitally. This can be anything, such as text, images, videos, audio recordings, presentations, graphs, and more. It can be a website, an online article, an e-book, a photo album, a podcast, a YouTube video, or an online training, for example. Digital content can be created and published by individuals and businesses, and it can be found all over the internet. It can be accessed and shared through computers, smartphones, tablets, and other digital devices connected to the internet.

De informatie- en datageletterdheid competenties

1.1 To articulate information needs , to search for data, information and content in digital environments, to access them and to navigate between them. To create and update personal search strategies.

1.2 To analyse, compare and critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of sources of data, information and digital content. To analyse, interpret and critically evaluate the data, information and digital content.

1.3 To organise, store and retrieve data, information, and content in digital environments. To organise and process them in a structured environment.

Open Badges
Are you ready to learn new skills and earn an Open Badge? Whether you prefer working independently or need guidance, there are countless ways to get started. The beauty of it is that you get to choose what you want to focus on based on your own interests and passions.
There are many ways to demonstrate these skills and you have the freedom to explore different options that best suit you. The great thing about these competencies is that they all consist of four different mastery levels. This means that you have the opportunity to earn an Open Badge at up to four different levels for each competency. Once you have confidence in your skills, it's time to demonstrate them to your coach or supervisor. When you have proven your mastery, the Open Badge will be proudly awarded to you. What are you waiting for? Let's get started together with discovering and developing your competencies!

Other important skills
By strengthening your digital skills, you are not only demonstrating your digital abilities, but also other important skills. For example, it is important to be able to read well on paper and on the screen. You also need to know how to behave responsibly as a citizen and how to fully participate in social and community life.
When you are able to use, critically evaluate, and handle traditional and new forms of media well, you have also worked on the competence of "citizenship". Because it is important to understand the role and functions of media in democratic societies.
So by developing digital skills, you can not only better use digital technologies, but also better participate in society and be a responsible citizen. It is therefore really worth continuing to develop and apply digital skills.

Get activity badge

Browsing, Searching and filtering data, information and digital content Get this badge

Badge informationEndorsements
The badge holder has demonstrated dedicated and competent mastery of the Information and data literacy competency: Browsing, searching, and filtering data, information, and digital content. With pride, he or she can demonstrate the following results and skills:

Expressing information needs, searching for and gaining access to data, information, and content in digital environments, and navigating between them. Establishing and updating personal search strategies.

At a basic level, independently and with appropriate guidance as needed, I can:
  • Recognize my information needs;
  • Find data, information, and content in digital environments using a simple search query;
  • Determine how to access this data, information, and content and how to navigate between them;
  • Recognize simple personal search strategies.
(c) DigComp

These achievements have been recognized and rewarded in consultation with the badge holder by the coach and supervisor, who have issued the badge as a sign of the badge holder's achievements.
Whether you, as the reader of this badge, are an employer looking for someone with digital skills or someone looking to demonstrate and strengthen their skills, this badge is a clear indication of digital knowledge and skills.

Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Create a plan with your coach on which tasks you will perform to gain mastery over the following skills:
  • Recognize my information needs;
  • Find data, information, and content in digital environments using a simple search query;
  • Determine how to access this data, information, and content and how to navigate between them;
  • Recognize simple personal search strategies..

Examples to develop these skills:
  • To recognize your information needs, you can think about what you want to know or learn. For example, if you want to know how to bake a cake, that is your information need.
  • To find data, information, and content using a simple search query, you can use Google, for instance. Just type in the words you are looking for and hit Enter. You will then get a list of websites and information that are relevant to your search query.
  • To figure out how to access the information you have found and how to navigate through it, you can click on the link to a website and see what happens. You can also try to read the information on the page and understand what is written there.
  • To recognize simple personal search strategies, you can think about what search terms you should use to find the information you need. You can also look at how the information on the page is organized and which sections are relevant to your search query.

But it doesn't stop there - increase the value of your badge by adding your learning process and achievements to it. This enables potential employers to get a better understanding of your digital skills.


#Browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content
#Evaluating data, information and digital content
#Managing data, information and digital content
Career and job readiness
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Digital Skills
Created on Breda City of Learning
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact
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