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Leadership in relation with others


Leadership in relation with others



Before you start with this learning playlist it is worth it to complete the Personal pathway to leadership Learning Playlist. Preceding playlist mostly focuses on the “I” in becoming an effective leader - your personal pathway to become a leader. 

Before making an effective influence, in a team, in a group of people, or in your City of Learning you need to have a foundation of independence, for example knowing what your paradigms and principles are, being aware of the road you want to travel and what your personal destination is. The personal pathway is something that you can keep developing and work on through your whole life. It will grow your self-esteem, self knowledge and give you a foundation to cope and manage when more difficult times arise. The place where to start building any relationship is within yourself. 

Ok, then now the step into the Relationship with others Leadership Pathway

What can you expect in this Learning Playlist? The content is based on habit 4, 5, 6, and 7 of Stephen Covey’s book ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ and has been specifically created for young people who are joining the Cities of Learning Network and taking part in the Youth Pathways to Leadership course Volume 2.

Do you want to develop further in recognising what is needed for you to be a team player or role model for your peers? Understanding what you personally need to do to achieve what you want for your community, then let's start. We can do it! We can cooperate! We can combine our talents and create something greater together!

Activities in this learning playlist are
  • Relational Deposit: which is all about investing in your relationships
  • Think Win-Win - A win-Win situation or result is one that is good for anybody involved.
  • Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood - This is when you empathically understand someone else before seeking to be understood in human relationships.
  • Synergy - a Synergy is when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
  • Renewal - to become new or refreshed and strong again

These above competences are related to learning to live and work together and it supports awareness of different needs of people. You can work on the ability and willingness to interact, communicate and collaborate with others in a constructive way. A lot of emerging jobs which are expected to become available in the nearby future will require having experience with these skills.

Participants of these activities can earn badges that belong to Global Youth Skills competence framework from Institute for the Future, specifically the skills zones: 
  • Make yourself known, 
  • Befriend the machines, 
  • Keep it going, 
  • Make sense, 
  • Build your crew

This learning playlist is the opportunity to get your learning acknowledged with open badges that are recognised and used globally.

This Learning Playlist is co-funded by ErasmusPlus

Activities to complete

Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated
Building relationships
Unknown duration
View full activity


What is an emotional bank account?
We all know what a bank account is, right? You can deposit money and you can withdraw money. And when you have enough money in your bank account you feel most probably financially good and safe. Steven Covey, in his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People speaks about an emotional bank account. And with this he means that you can withdraw and deposit to an imaginary emotion bank account. 

How does an emotional bank account work
In a relationship you can make deposits by e.g. being kind, honest, giving compliments and keeping commitments. 

6 major deposits:
  • Understanding the other
  • Attending to the little things
  • Keeping commitments
  • Clarifying expectations
  • Showing personal integrity
  • Apologizing sincerely when you make a withdrawal

Withdrawing from the emotional bank account is natural. Examples are being bossy, assuming that you understand, breaking commitments, rejecting feedback.

What are the advantages from an emotional bank account
When you build up a reserve in a relationship, it is expected that, when something goes wrong you still have a deposit to use from the other person. So when you forget an appointment, couldn’t deliver something you promised, needed to make time for someone else, then the other person most likely understands and is still aware of your good intention.

Of course an emotional bank account doesn’t only work for relationships. It is also very good to have a personal bank account, where you keep promises to yourself, clarify for yourself what your values and needs are and follow them. Instead of living in stress, eating too often fast-food, and not keeping promises to yourself.

Participants of this activity can earn badges that connect to Global Youth Skills competence framework from Institute for the Future, specifically the skills zones: 
  • Build your Crew
  • Make sense

This activity is the opportunity to get your learning acknowledged with open badges that are recognised and used globally.

Get activity badge

Building relationships Get this badge

Badge informationEndorsements
The holder of this badge has worked independently and/or in a collaboration with peers at Building relationships which connects with the skill zones: Build your Crew and Make sense of the Global Youth Skills competence framework from Institute for the Future.

Evidence included in this badge showcases how the holder of this badge worked on these skills. International youth work trainers and local youth workers assessed the evidence submitted for earning this badge.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
1. Show 5 ways that you could do to make a difficult relationship better.
2. Show 5 ways that will not be helpful to maintain a good relationship.
All Winners
Unknown duration


#work collaboratively
#show social competences
#listen actively
#attend sports training
#promote mental health
Activities: 5
Started: 6
Completed playlist: 4


Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact
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