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Creative and culinary adventure Strijp-S

Strijp-S innovator

Informacije o znački znanjaPotvrde
The Strijp-S Innovator badge recognizes individuals who have embraced the spirit of innovation and collaboration at Strijp-S. By actively participating during this evening and engaging with fellow badge holders, you have demonstrated your commitment to learning, growth, and community building. This badge is a testament to your innovative mindset and your ability to leverage open badges to advance your career and personal development.
Zadatak broj1
Dokaz verifikovan od strane: odobreno
Step 1 Identify shared interests:
Review your Badge Wallet to identify skills, interests, or certifications that align with Strijp-S' innovative culture. Consider areas like design, technology, entrepreneurship, sustainability, or social impact.

Step 2 Start conversations:
Approach fellow visitors: Initiate conversations by asking about their badges and sharing your own experiences. Discuss how badges can be used in different professional contexts, such as showcasing skills, finding job opportunities, or joining communities.

Step 3 Explore Strijp-S together:
Visit local businesses and startups: Observe how badges might be used in these settings, such as for employee recognition or customer loyalty programs.

Remember: Your Badge Wallet is a powerful tool for building relationships and opening doors. Use it to your advantage to make the most of your time at Strijp-S.

To earn this badge highlight a memorable experience by writing about what happened or make a visual story via image or video as evidence.
Prijavite se i započnite potragu


Creative and culinary adventure Strijp-S
Exploring Eindhoven
Badgecraft drži i razvija ovu platformu sa vodećim obrazovnim organizacijama. Program Evropske unije Erasmus+ odobrio je sufinansiranje za izradu prve verzije ove platforme. Kontaktirajte
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Početna stranicaAktivnostiPlejliste