Engage and Communicate: Make Your Voices Heard

Engage and Communicate: Make Your Voices Heard

Informazioni sul badgeEndorsement
Devi ottenere tutti i badge della lista qui sotto
This badge is awarded for engaging and completing activities contributing to the European Youth Goal #4: Information & Constructive Dialogue. By participating in and completing activities focused on media literacy, fighting misinformation, combating hate speech, engaging in constructive dialogue, and taking action in your community, you have demonstrated a commitment to becoming an informed, responsible, and active citizen.

Through your dedication, you’ve developed essential skills in recognising and countering hate speech, fact-checking information, leading respectful conversations, and advocating for change both online and offline. You have shown leadership, ethical awareness, and the ability to engage with your peers and decision-makers, contributing to a more inclusive and well-informed society.

Skills and experiences gained:
  • Media literacy and critical thinking (connected to the Youth Information Competences C3: Manage Information and C4: Generate Options): Enhanced ability to evaluate information, navigate media sources, and challenge misinformation by identifying reliable sources and adapting complex information into actionable insights.
  • Digital activism and ethical advocacy (connected to the Youth Information Competences C7: Support Inclusion and C9: Build Relationships): Gained experience in recognizing and reporting hate speech, leading awareness campaigns, and fostering inclusive spaces that empower others, ensuring that all voices are heard and respected.
  • Effective communication and conflict resolution (connected to the Youth Information Competences C10: Communicate Effectively and C9: Build Relationships): Developed skills in facilitating respectful dialogue, listening actively, and resolving conflicts peacefully, ensuring open and constructive communication with peers and decision-makers.
  • Civic engagement and leadership (connected to the Youth Information Competences C11: Cooperate and Network and C12: Outreach): Demonstrated a proactive approach to addressing community needs by advocating for youth voices and promoting inclusion through networking, strategic cooperation, and reaching out to wider audiences.

This badge represents your comprehensive understanding and contributions to the European Youth Goal #4: Information & Constructive Dialogue. Your efforts in media literacy, constructive conversation, and community action have been recognized by the Cities of Learning Network.
Task n.1
Emesso dall'organizzazione o scansionando il codice QR
Complete all playlist activities, including earning the Media Navigator, Fake News Detective, Hate Speech Defender, Dialogue Leader, and Info Ambassador badges.
Provide evidence of active participation in the activities, such as reports, projects, media content, or campaign outcomes.
Demonstrate the ability to apply the skills and knowledge gained from the playlist in real-world situations, both online and in your community.


Engage and Communicate: Make Your Voices Heard
Badgecraft gestisce questa piattaforma web e continua a svilupparla in partnership con organizzazioni leader nel settore dell'educazione. La prima versione di questa piattaforma è stata realizzata grazie ai cofinanziamenti del programma Erasmus+ dell'Unione Europea. Contattaci all'email
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