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MRU Trainings


Title of Activity – Open Access Mooc Course "Substantive Gender Equality at the University"

Description of activities, what will the student do during the activity?

This course, named Substantive Gender Equality at the University, is intended for teachers, students, administrative staff of universities and other higher education institutions. This course is prepared under the international Erasmus+ project "Higher Education Learning Community for Inclusion (HELCI)", which is implemented by Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania) together with the University of Vienna (Austria) and the University of Salamanca (Spain), and several Spanish non-governmental organisations working in the field of human rights.

The aim of the project is to implement the principles of non-discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, racial and ethnic identity and common European values in higher education, to strengthen links between universities in different countries and to create engaging and innovative study content that fights against hate speech and other forms of intolerance that Europe faces today.

The course „Substantive Gender Equality at the University“ consists of an Introduction and four modules:

The first module: Gender equality in universities: what is it?

The second module: Gender discrimination at the university: what is it?

The third module: Students create a university

The fourth module: The University as an agent of change in the field of gender equality

Each module has from 4 to 10 video clips, which make up the content of each module. Each video has defined learning outcomes, i.e. knowledge, abilities, attitudes, values, which are expected to be demonstrated by individuals after taking this course and completing self-assessment and / or self-reflection tasks that are available to each participant of the course in the Moodle environment of this course.

At the end of each module, there is also a list of recommended open sources (readings, videos, audio resources) for further independent learning and / or delving into the issues of gender equality or inequality in educational systems.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
After watching the video and completing the tasks, the person will be able to:

  • explain the concepts of formal and substantive gender equality & gender mainstreaming;
  • point out how substantive gender equality could be aimed at universities;
  • outline the history of women in academia and give examples of female scientists and their contributions to science, culture, art, technology, etc.;
  • explain historical role of university communities in gender equality;
  • define gender bias and gender gap at universities;
  • explain why commitment to substantive gender equality at universities matters;
  • identify the key forms of gender discrimination that are relevant in the context of university;
  • explain the concept of sexism and discuss cases of sexism at university;
  • define what mental load is and why it is linked to gender stereotypes and that lead to gender inequality in professional and everyday life;
  • explain the importance of work-life balance in universities and assess your own agenda in this respect;
  • describe prevalence and consequences of gender-based violence at universities and institutional responses to it;
  • suggest how the universities could tackle gender-based violence;
  • define the concept of stalking;
  • consider cases of stalking at the university and ways to respond to it;
  • reflect on the significance of the diversity of the members of the university community in terms of gender in the everyday life of the university community;
  • reflect on possible ways of student activism on issues of gender equality;
  • list the variety and importance of research topics on gender discrimination/equality within different fields of studies at university;
  • explain how the inclusion of these topics into the final theses would favor a more inclusive, equitable and respectful university;
  • discuss the relevance and impact of research topics and findings to abolish gender discrimination and ensure gender equality in society and its reflection, i.e., universities;
  • explain how your own attitudes and actions can influence the promotion of an inclusive and respectful environment;
  • identify strategies and practices that promote gender equality and respect for gender differences in the university community;
  • reflect on women's leadership in higher education;
  • explain the possible ways of women's leadership, ensuring gender equality in universities;
  • discuss why the presence of women among the leaders of higher education communities is important;
  • discuss why gender mainstreaming in university curricula is important and how gender mainstreaming would lead to a more inclusive, equitable and respectful university;
  • use educational tools and methods to inform and promote gender equality and appreciation of diversity in the university community;
  • reflect on individual and collective responsibility promoting gender equality through teaching/learning, language, technology, etc.;
  • discuss how to ensure gender balance in representing the university community in governing bodies;
  • identify the established strategy and mechanisms for promoting gender equality at the university;
  • take advantage of the established means to defend your rights and report violations;
  • explain the importance of gender equality formal documents in ensuring gender equality at universities;
  • evaluate the measures and tools used to implement gender equality plans at universities.


MRU Trainings
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact
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