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Training for Trainers on Facilitating Learning

Activity design and choosing methods

The badge earner learned activity design principles and ways for choosing methods for training and learning activities implemented in the (international) youth work training and non-formal education activities

To get this badge, trainer:
  • Watched an introductory video (optional) and familiarised with considerations when choosing methods.
  • Developed a training script for a session or workshop to be implemented in the youth work and non-formal education context.

Activity content and badge issuing criteria aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for trainers to work internationally.

Learning duration: 6 hours
Zadatak broj1
Dokaz verifikovan od strane: jedan/na organizator/ka aktivnosti
To get this badge:
  1. Get familiar with video and text resources on designing activities and choosing methods in the youth work training setting.
  2. Use the training script template (or your own one) to plan the training and learning session or workshop. Upload it for the badge evidence.
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Training for Trainers on Facilitating Learning
Designing Training Activities and Selecting Methods
Training of Trainers on Digital competences
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