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How to prepare for professional development using the Appraiser platform?

How to prepare for professional development using the Appraiser platform?

Before utilising Appraiser for Professional Development, take some moments to reflect and answer the following questions:
  • What are my reasons for developing myself professionally?
  • What have been my previous strategies for professional development? (What worked, did not and why?)
  • How do I like to learn and improve?
  • What is my current workload, and how much time do I want to commit ftoor my development?

The Appraiser believes no development will be successfully planned and implemented without first analysing past strategies and patterns. If you are new to being a trainer or have not focused before on your development, take a few steps back and reflect on What kind of trainer I am? and What kind of trainer I want to be. After taking time for this reflection, we have recommended strategies and approaches for your development and using the AppRaiser platform.
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Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact
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