What is the concept of external feedback

What is the concept of external feedback

Feedback from others is a necessary complement to what trainers feel is necessary to assist in assessing their competences and is just as important as their personal self-reflections. However feedback is not about asking for external validation, but rather about completing self-assessment (hence, creating the 360-degree perspective). Feedback can also be an entry point, which is later supported by self-assessment.

Two features that are considered relevant when collecting feedback refer to the length of the relationship between the trainer and those providing feedback, and the need for transparent and clear aims and goals of the whole 360° process. Translated to reality and language of the international youth work training, it is important to have a clear and transparent explanation of the process (including aims and reasons for the feedback), as well as make sure that those providing feedback are able to see the trainer in ‘action’ and arguably able to provide meaningful and constructive feedback. It is important to highlight that asking for and receiving feedback is a competence in itself. It is featured in the ETS Competence Model for trainers as well. Therefore, feedback needs to be approached and treated as such in order to produce relevant and insightful outcomes.
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#Undergoing personal/ professional development through feedback
#Understands the values and mechanisms of feedback
#Shows willingness to learn from others, even those who might hold different values and worldviews
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