Seznami predvajanja
Taking the initiative

Initiative and creating value

Informacije o značkiPotrditve
The holder of this badge has been working on the following skill: Initiate processes that create value

This badge is part of the Entrecomp, the European Entrepreneurial Competence framework to improve the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens and organisations.

The holder of this badge has worked independently and in collaboration with peers at the skill Taking
the initiative which connects with the area Into action (foundation level) of Entrecomp, the European
Entrepreneurial Competence framework to improve the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens
and organisations.

How the holder of this badge worked on these skills can be seen in the evidence in the badge tasks.
Adult educators have assessed the completed tasks.

Following the learning activities which target the above skills will lead to your gaining of the Initiative
and Creating Value Badge
Naloga št.1
Izda organizator ali skeniranje QR kode
Step 1: Think about example of a situation when you showed initiative and reflect about what you felt doing so.

Step 2: Pinpoint areas where you could be taking more initiative and challenge yourself to step up and
volunteer for this responsibility! It could be at home, at your work, in a project etc.
Use the “Initiative and Me” worksheet and fill it in. It could change your live!

Interesne kategorije

Kariera in pripravljenost za delo
Badgecraft vodi spletno infrastrukturo za mesta in regije učenja in jo razvija skupaj z vodilnimi izobraževalnimi organizacijami. Evropski konzorcij razvija to platformo s pomočjo sofinanciranja programa Evropske unije Erasmus+. Kontaktirajte
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