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Culture Hungry

I became aware of cultures of other countries present at international youth exchange project.
During cultural activities of the project I showed willingness to get involved in new forms of cultural expression.
I tasted foreign cuisine and traditions and i brought something from my country.
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Bevis bekreftet av: en aktivitetsarrangør
Learn about culture of other countries and share your culture. Describe what you learned about own culture and culture of other participants.
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Bevis bekreftet av: 3 aktivitetsmedlemmer
Show willingness to get involved in new forms of cultural expression. Upload any visual evidence of being involved in new form of cultural expression. Confirm your involvement with 3 other project members.
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Bevis bekreftet av: ett aktivitetsmedlem
Have a taste of foreign cuisine and traditions. Make picture and upload of most interesting thing you tasted.
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#cultural history
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