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Exchanging practices

Exchanging practices

Informacije o znački znanjaPotvrde
The earners of this badge have created and presented in an international study visit the following to their peers:
  • Which projects/initiatives/policy/law/... do you have for disadvantaged adult learners and/or fewer opportunities?
  • How do you involve and support these adult learners within your projects and inititiatives?
  • What digital technology do you use to support these adult learners?
  • How do you validate and recognize prior learning and skills of these adult learners?
  • What needs to be in their digital portfolio? From what will they benefit?

This activity is part of the Study Visit on adult learning pathways to entrepreneurial skills, within the project Digital technology for pathways to entrepreneurial skills and takes place in Drobeta Turnu Severin from 20-24 June 2022.

The badge-evidence is assessed by peers.
Zadatak broj1
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