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Sustainibility: Learn more

Sustainability: Learn more

Informații despre insignăValidări
The owner of this badge informed herself/himself about the topic "sustainability" by watching several videos about the topic. He/she also reflected on the topic and his/her own behaviour.
You have to finish all tasks to get the badge
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
What was the most interesting information that you took out of the videos? Did you learn something new? What was it? (Share a few thoughts by text input)
Conectați-vă și începeți misiunea
Task no.2
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
Reflecting on those videos, what do you think about your own sustainable behaviour? Would you like to change something? Do you feel ready to make a change? (Share a few thoughts by text input)
Conectați-vă și începeți misiunea


Sustainibility: Learn more
Sustainability: Challenge yourself for our future!
Badgecraft găzduiește această platformă și o dezvoltă împreună cu organizații educaționale de top. Programul Uniunii Europene Erasmus+ a acordat cofinanțare pentru construirea primei versiuni a acestei platforme. Contactați
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