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4. Building the Picture, Setting the Outcomes

Building the Picture, Setting the Outcomes

Informacije o znački znanjaPotvrde
This badge is a reflection tool for the fourth day of our training Mental Health Promotion in the Youth Field. Today we had a shorter training day, with time off in the afternoon to explore the local area. Even so, we had chance to learn a couple of very useful and important exercises for our youth work: 
  • Submodalities are the building blocks of experience, so we had a chance to use them to do some building and rebuilding of our own.
  • A major focus of NLP is that we need to have a very clear and well-formed outcome for our work. This is as true in youth work as it is in our personal life. The P.O.S.S.E.E. Model helps us to do this in a systematic way.

The holder of the badge will have worked either on their own or in a small group to reflect on the questions:
  • how the day has gone
  • what has been learned
  • how to use this in your youth work
  • how else to use it. 

The questions are designed to optimise generative learning: they are not just about what the participant has learnt but also how they can use the learning in their work and personal life.

Our work today covered the following LifeComp Competencies:
  • L1.3: Reflecting on other people’s feedback as well as on successful and unsuccessful experiences to continue developing one’s potential, 
  • L3.2: Planning and implementing learning goals, strategies, resources and processes, 
  • P1.1: Awareness and expression of personal emotions, thoughts, values, and behaviour, 
  • P1.2: Understanding and regulating personal emotions, thoughts, and behaviour, including stress responses, and
  • P2.3: Managing transitions in personal life, social participation, work and learning pathways, while making conscious choices and setting goals.
Zadatak broj1
Dokaz verifikovan od strane: jedan/na organizator/ka aktivnosti
  1. How has today gone for you? 
  2. What have you learnt?
  3. How can you use this in your youth work?
  4. How else can you use it?
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#promote mental health
#Growth mindset
#Managing learning
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