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Leadership in relation with others

Leadership in relation with others

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Before you start with this learning playlist it is worth it to complete the Personal pathway to leadership Learning Playlist. Preceding playlist mostly focuses on the “I” in becoming an effective leader - your personal pathway to become a leader. 

Before making an effective influence, in a team, in a group of people, or in your City of Learning you need to have a foundation of independence, for example knowing what your paradigms and principles are, being aware of the road you want to travel and what your personal destination is. The personal pathway is something that you can keep developing and work on through your whole life. It will grow your self-esteem, self knowledge and give you a foundation to cope and manage when more difficult times arise. The place where to start building any relationship is within yourself. 

Ok, then now the step into the Relationship with others Leadership Pathway

What can you expect in this Learning Playlist? The content is based on habit 4, 5, 6, and 7 of Stephen Covey’s book ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ and has been specifically created for young people who are joining the Cities of Learning Network and taking part in the Youth Pathways to Leadership course Volume 2.

Do you want to develop further in recognising what is needed for you to be a team player or role model for your peers? Understanding what you personally need to do to achieve what you want for your community, then let's start. We can do it! We can cooperate! We can combine our talents and create something greater together!

Activities in this learning playlist are
  • Relational Deposit: which is all about investing in your relationships
  • Think Win-Win - A win-Win situation or result is one that is good for anybody involved.
  • Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood - This is when you empathically understand someone else before seeking to be understood in human relationships.
  • Synergy - a Synergy is when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
  • Renewal - to become new or refreshed and strong again

These above competences are related to learning to live and work together and it supports awareness of different needs of people. You can work on the ability and willingness to interact, communicate and collaborate with others in a constructive way. A lot of emerging jobs which are expected to become available in the nearby future will require having experience with these skills.

Participants of these activities can earn badges that belong to Global Youth Skills competence framework from Institute for the Future, specifically the skills zones: 
  • Make yourself known, 
  • Befriend the machines, 
  • Keep it going, 
  • Make sense, 
  • Build your crew

This learning playlist is the opportunity to get your learning acknowledged with open badges that are recognised and used globally.

This Learning Playlist is co-funded by ErasmusPlus
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#work collaboratively
#izkazovati socialne kompetence
#dejavno poslušati
#udeleževati se športnih treningov
#spodbujati duševno zdravje
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