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Future makers: which skills do you care about?

Future maker: essential skills

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This badge is issued to people who have identified and thought about their most essential skills for the future.

The Institute for the Future predicts that our future learning and working pathways will be based on skills in five key areas. Some of them will be more important than others, but they will all be part of our futures.

Areas of future skills:
  • Make Yourself Known with skills for managing your reputation and identity;
  • Befriend the Machines to curate, create and simulate our complex world;
  • Build Your Crew with start-ups, communities and networks;
  • Make Sense with storytelling, frameworks for action and ecosystem thinking;
  • Keep it All Going with skills for caring, sharing, and evolving human capacities.

The holders of this badge have identified and thought about the future skills and their relevance to future learning, civic engagement and careers.

The Network of Cities of Learning promotes, offers and endorses this badge.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
Use this skills checklist to identify vital skills for the future and think which ones are important to your future learning, civic engagement and careers. Upload an image, photo, print screen or file of the completed skills checklist and share your thoughts on the following questions:
  1. Which skills are most important to you in shaping your future? Why?
  2. Which skills do you want to improve? How?
  3. Where in your city, and how can you develop essential skills for your future learning, civic and career paths? What opportunities are missing?
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Future makers: which skills do you care about?
Future makers. Lead your learning, civic and career pathways to the future.
Badgecraft găzduiește această platformă și o dezvoltă împreună cu organizații educaționale de top. Programul Uniunii Europene Erasmus+ a acordat cofinanțare pentru construirea primei versiuni a acestei platforme. Contactați
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