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How to find your trio support group?


How to find your trio support group?



When finding two other people, we advise that they are not your closest colleagues but, in fact, those that you have not worked with a lot (or at all) until now.

These two other people could be from your organisation, a pool of trainers you belong to, a trainers’ association in your city or country, etc.

Reach out to them and make sure you have an agreement that you are a trio now.

In case you find yourself in an international group of trainers, you could also form your trio based on geographical closeness if you feel that there is a chance that you could actually meet in person.

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How to find your trio support group? Get this badge

When finding two other people, we advise that they are not your closest colleagues but, in fact, those that you have not worked with a lot (or at all) until now.

These two other people could be from your organisation, a pool of trainers you belong to, a trainers’ association in your city or country, etc.

Reach out to them and make sure you have an agreement that you are a trio now.

In case you find yourself in an international group of trainers, you could also form your trio based on geographical closeness if you feel that there is a chance that you could actually meet in person.
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#Вызначэнне мэт навучання і іх актыўнае дасягненне
#Разумее, як навучанне можа быць арганізавана эфектыўным і поўным сэнсу спосабам і робіць разнастайным асяроддзе навучання, у тым ліку анлайн
#Матывуе і падтрымлівае выкананне плана навучання
#Разумее каштоўнасці і механізмы зваротнай сувязі
#Праходжанне асабістага / прафесійнага развіцця праз зваротную сувязь
#Праяўляе гатоўнасць вучыцца ў іншых, нават у тых, хто можа прытрымлівацца іншых каштоўнасцяў і светапоглядаў
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International Youth Work Trainers Guild

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Appraiser Peer Support Guidelines
International Youth Work Trainers Guild
Created on Appraiser
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact
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