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Appraiser Professional Development Guidelines


Appraiser Professional Development Guidelines



Welcome to these guidelines on how to use the functionalities of AppRaiser for planning your professional development. Here you will find:
  • Key points behind self-directed learning in the professional development journey
  • How to use the AppRaiser platform to plan your professional development
  • Hints and tips on how to navigate your way through the process

Feel free to check out the guidelines on other functionalities and possibilities of Appraiser and contact the team for further assistance:

Download Appraiser Professional Development Guidelines in PDF

Activities to complete

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What are the principles of trainers professional development?
Unknown duration
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Focus on developing your expertise.
Example: If you are an advanced trainer in human rights and conflict transformation, you could focus on further building your expertise around this and focus on developing the competence area ‘Being Civically Engaged’.

Focus on developing the areas you need to improve.
Example: If you notice from your 360 degree feedback that you have a lack of active listening or integrating learning with digital tools, pick up on those and use them as goals for development.

Focus on the essentials.
Example: If you are starting as a trainer, you could invest your time developing the foundations of facilitation – how to realise experiential learning, how to plan a learning activity, how to manage the group process, how to conduct needs assessment and evaluation of the learning.

Find your focus.
If none of the above focus tips fit you, try to customise and discover a strategy that will work for you. Maybe look at the areas you take for granted, the competence areas you find difficult to answer or assess for yourself or respond to the feedback others regularly give you.

How do you plan realistically?
  1. Choose 1 indicator as a goal to achieve within a specific time frame. Give it a try to see how it works for you.
  2. Choose 3 to 5 indicators as goals and make a long-term plan.
  3. Customise and work with a system that works for you.

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How to approach professional development? Get this badge

Focus on developing your expertise.
Example: If you are an advanced trainer in human rights and conflict transformation, you could focus on further building your expertise around this and focus on developing the competence area ‘Being Civically Engaged’.

Focus on developing the areas you need to improve.
Example: If you notice from your 360 degree feedback that you have a lack of active listening or integrating learning with digital tools, pick up on those and use them as goals for development.

Focus on the essentials.
Example: If you are starting as a trainer, you could invest your time developing the foundations of facilitation – how to realise experiential learning, how to plan a learning activity, how to manage the group process, how to conduct needs assessment and evaluation of the learning.

Find your focus.
If none of the above focus tips fit you, try to customise and discover a strategy that will work for you. Maybe look at the areas you take for granted, the competence areas you find difficult to answer or assess for yourself or respond to the feedback others regularly give you.

How do you plan realistically?
  1. Choose 1 indicator as a goal to achieve within a specific time frame. Give it a try to see how it works for you.
  2. Choose 3 to 5 indicators as goals and make a long-term plan.
  3. Customise and work with a system that works for you.
Task no.1
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#Прымяняе ў працы зваротную сувязь і пасля падтрымлівае або аднаўляе свой уласны эмацыйны балансПрымяняе ў працы зваротную сувязь і пасля падтрымлівае або аднаўляе свой уласны эмацыйны баланс
#Усведамленне нечаканых момантаў і вынікаў навучання і рэагаванне на іх
#Выкарыстоўвае інтэрнэт-рэсурсы для пашырэння асабістага навучання
#Праходжанне асабістага / прафесійнага развіцця праз зваротную сувязь
#Вызначэнне мэт навучання і іх актыўнае дасягненне
#Дэманструе разуменне навучання як бесперапыннага працэсу
#Трэніруе канцэнтрацыю на запланаваных мэтах навучання, застаючыся адкрытымі для ўключэння незапланаваных
#Вызначэнне і прадастаўленне адпаведных рэсурсаў для падтрымкі індывідуальнага навучання
#Звяртаецца да існуючых адпаведных рэсурсаў для падтрымкі навучання
#Матывуе і падтрымлівае выкананне плана навучання
#Рэфлексуе аб працэсе навучання
#Адпаведна сітуацыі змяняе працэсы навучання
#Арганізуе існуючыя адпаведныя рэсурсы для індывідуальнага падыходу да навучання
#Арганізуе рэсурсы ў структураваным выглядзе для навучальных мэтаў
#Праяўляе гатоўнасць вучыцца ў іншых, нават у тых, хто можа прытрымлівацца іншых каштоўнасцяў і светапоглядаў
#Разумее каштоўнасці і механізмы зваротнай сувязі
#Рэгулярна крытычна разважае пра ўласныя каштоўнасці і матывацыі і пра тое, як яны ўплываюць на паводзіны
#Дае, атрымлівае і выкарыстоўвае ў працы зваротную сувязь канструктыўным метадам
Activities: 8
Started: 2
Completed playlist: 0


International Youth Work Trainers Guild
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact
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