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Hints and tips for a smoother external feedback implementation


Hints and tips for a smoother external feedback implementation



Although asking for, receiving and processing feedback by using AppRaiser is a fairly straightforward process (after all, it fits on one page), we still included some tips to make this journey even smoother for you.
  • Focus on 1 or 2 competence areas for feedback. It will keep the feedback process short enough for people to be focused and precise.
  • Keep on asking for feedback from all sides (participants, colleagues, contractors) to achieve a 360-degree competence review. The more feedback you will receive the more intersubjective review of your competences will be.
  • Consider which competence areas you demonstrate when having a professional relationship with a chosen feedback contributor. Their feedback will be more precise if they could actually see you demonstrating the chosen set of competences.
  • Ask for feedback as soon as possible after the training event – people should have fresh memories about your behaviour, performance and facilitation.
  • When possible, announce a feedback request during/at the end of the training event – this contributes to transparency and clarity of aims, and it allows those who are expected to provide feedback a chance to ask for clarification.

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Hints and tips for a smoother external feedback implementation Get this badge

Although asking for, receiving and processing feedback by using AppRaiser is a fairly straightforward process (after all, it fits on one page), we still included some tips to make this journey even smoother for you.
  • Focus on 1 or 2 competence areas for feedback. It will keep the feedback process short enough for people to be focused and precise.
  • Keep on asking for feedback from all sides (participants, colleagues, contractors) to achieve a 360-degree competence review. The more feedback you will receive the more intersubjective review of your competences will be.
  • Consider which competence areas you demonstrate when having a professional relationship with a chosen feedback contributor. Their feedback will be more precise if they could actually see you demonstrating the chosen set of competences.
  • Ask for feedback as soon as possible after the training event – people should have fresh memories about your behaviour, performance and facilitation.
  • When possible, announce a feedback request during/at the end of the training event – this contributes to transparency and clarity of aims, and it allows those who are expected to provide feedback a chance to ask for clarification.
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International Youth Work Trainers Guild

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Appraiser External Feedback Guidelines
International Youth Work Trainers Guild
Created on Appraiser
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