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Protecting personal data and privacy

Badge informationEndorsements
The badge holder has demonstrated dedication and competence in mastering the competency of Safety: Protecting personal data and privacy. With pride, he or she can demonstrate the following achievements and skills:

Protecting personal data and privacy in digital environments. Understanding how personally identifiable information can be used and shared while protecting oneself and others from harm. Understanding that digital services have a privacy policy that describes how personal data is used.

At the most advanced and specialized level, I can:
  • Find solutions to complex problems with many interacting factors related to the protection of personal data and privacy in digital environments,
  • the use and sharing of personally identifiable information while protecting myself and others from dangers, and privacy policies for the use of my personal data;
  • recommend new ideas and processes for the domain.

These achievements have been recognized and rewarded in consultation with the badge holder by the coach and work supervisor who issued the badge as a sign of the badge holder's achievements.
Whether you, as the reader of this badge, are an employer looking for someone with digital skills or someone who wants to demonstrate and strengthen their skills, this badge is a clear sign of digital knowledge and skills.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Make a plan with your coach on which tasks you will undertake to master the following skills:
  • finding solutions to complex problems with many interacting factors related to the protection of personal data and privacy in digital environments, the use and sharing of personally identifiable information, while protecting myself and others from harm, and privacy policies for the use of my personal data;
  • recommending new ideas and processes for the domain.

Examples to develop these skills:
Suppose you work for an online store and are responsible for protecting customer personal data and privacy. You face complex problems, such as protecting data from hackers, minimizing data collection, and ensuring transparency about data usage.
  • To solve these problems, you need to consider multiple factors and strike a balance between security and convenience for the customer. You could start by researching best practices in the industry, such as implementing two-factor authentication, encrypting data, and creating clear privacy policy statements.
  • Additionally, you could think about innovative solutions, such as implementing privacy-friendly technologies like federated learning, which collect data without revealing the identity of individual customers. It is important to test and evaluate the implementation of these solutions to determine if they are effective and meet the needs of customers.
  • Finally, you could recommend new ideas and processes by collaborating with other stakeholders within the company, such as the legal department and IT team, to create a holistic approach to protecting personal data and privacy.
By following this approach, you can make a significant contribution to creating a safe and reliable digital environment for customers and employees.

But it doesn't end there - increase the value of your badge by adding your learning process and achievements to your badge. This allows potential employers to gain a better understanding of your digital skills.


Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact
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