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Protecting the environment

Badge informationEndorsements

The badge holder has proven to be dedicated and competent in mastering the competency of Safety: Protecting the Environment. With pride, he or she can demonstrate the following results and skills:

Being aware of the environmental impact of digital technology and its use.

At the most advanced and specialized level, I can:
  • Find solutions to complex problems with many interacting factors related to protecting the environment against the effects of digital technologies and their use.
  • Recommend new ideas and processes for the domain.
(c) DigComp 2.2

These achievements have been recognized and rewarded in consultation with the badge holder by the coach and supervisor who issued the badge as a sign of the badge holder's achievements. Whether you, as the reader of this badge, are an employer looking for a person with digital skills or someone who wants to demonstrate and strengthen their skills, this badge is a clear indication of digital knowledge and skills.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Make a plan with your coach about which tasks you will perform to master the following skills:
  • Finding solutions for complex problems with many interacting factors related to protecting the environment from the effects of digital technologies and their use.
  • Recommending new ideas and processes for the domain.

Examples to develop these skills:
Digital technologies have a significant impact on the environment, and it is essential to take measures to protect the environment from the effects of these technologies.
Step 1: Choose one of the following methods to protect the environment from the effects of digital technology and its use.
Step 2: Discuss this method with an entrepreneur, colleague, friend, student, or non-profit organization.
Step 3: Share the results with your coach.
Step 4: Choose the most suitable solutions to protect the environment from the effects of digital technologies and their use. Make sure these solutions are appropriate for the place where you want to have an impact, such as at work, at school, or within your friend group.
Step 5: Create a recommendation that showcases your ideas.
Step 6: Create the process on how you would like to implement these recommendations.

Energy consumption method: Digital devices consume a lot of electricity, which can lead to higher energy costs and contribute to air and water pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. To reduce energy consumption, you can lower the brightness of the screen, enable sleep mode, close unnecessary apps and programs, use energy-saving mode, and turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when not in use.

Electronic waste method: Digital devices that are thrown away can contribute to electronic waste and lead to contamination of the soil and water. You can reduce electronic waste by recycling or donating old devices instead of throwing them away and by repairing devices instead of replacing them when they break.

Production and transportation method: The production of digital technologies and their components can also have environmental effects. By using your current devices for as long as possible, repairing them instead of replacing them, buying refurbished devices instead of new ones, and buying from companies that pursue sustainable and environmentally friendly practices, you can contribute to reducing the production of digital technologies and their impact on the environment. You can also switch to digital services instead of physical products, such as e-books instead of paper books.

Cold war method: Cooling data centers requires large amounts of cooling, which can lead to higher energy bills and environmental effects. To reduce this, you can spend less time on the internet, turn off your devices when not in use, reduce the brightness of your screen, and set the sleep mode when the device is not active. This generates less data and therefore requires less cooling of data centers.

But it doesn't stop there - increase the value of your badge by adding your learning process and achievements to your badge. This allows potential employers to gain a better understanding of your digital skills.


Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact
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